
Read an amazing service training testimonial!


I am a 100% disabled Vietnam Era Veteran with PTSD and neck and back injuries.

In May of 2017 I rescued a dog which I named Kalonymus, aka Coley, which is a 2 year old American Bulldog mix about 70 pounds and brought him to into my life and my home. I had waited from Jan 3, 2017 until May to get Coley.

I then quickly realized that he was only house broken but not really trained to go outside at all. Yes, he was very playfully aggressive and I tried different things, but, unsuccessful, I eventually received a trainer set up by a non profit foundation so that he could receive training as a Service Dog, to help me cope with PTSD and support me if I should fall or lose my balance from my other injuries.

I waited through the summer months for this training to start and I did eventually get a trainer but a few months later the trainer broke the contract with the foundation because she wasn’t getting paid on time, this just left me in a very precarious situation and I needed to correct it as fast as possible.

Months seemed to go by with still no replacement trainer available or wanting to take the contract from the foundation liaison.

More Months go by and It’s now early February 2018 without a trainer and I have vacation planned to go to Peru for 3 and half months starting March 15 returning to the states almost mid-June. I needed Coley to be trained as a Service Dog and at least pass the acid test of being socialized, calm around people at the airport, and going through TSA with all the necessary documents in order, stamped by the USDA after passing a physical, making sure he has all the necessary vaccinations needed for Peru, and to be admitted back into the USA through immigration animal health import section at the Miami International Airport.

Coley is a beautiful lovely sweet and very loving puppy but a real teenager out on the street, playful aggressive with other dogs, always wanting to meet new animals, birds and ducks and dogs of all kinds and lunge a bit at bikes and people walking or babies in carriages. While he is playful and calm off the leash with other dogs at the dog park. His behavior changes rapidly back on the leash.

Out on the street on leash when a bicycle or motorcycle came by he became totally out of control, lunging and barking, somewhat frightened by the new noises. With most people he was a little bit more tolerant and became better as I trained him myself, however he still was not perfect or able to be used as a service dog on any kind of a commercial aircraft. Truth be being said that I was asked to leave more stores then I can remember. His bark was very loud and attracted lots of attention especially store personnel and or management. His photo flashed on the store monitors and he was already well known.

The clock was ticking, and the days were flying by to take my trip overseas. On a trip to a local store one afternoon I noticed a sign saying dog training boot camp available with a phone number for
Healing Paws Guru. I immediately made a call reaching Cherie Marquez, Owner and Head Trainer. I set up an immediate appointment. Coley was going to camp for 15 days and being trained by Cherie Marquez. I packed his favorite food and put on his leash met Cherie and then Coley became a camper at Arfington Pet Resort in Tamarac Florida, to be personally trained by Cherie.

I was kept up to date on his training progress and photos, video on a daily basis. Since being successful going through TSA and boarding and flying on Latam airlines were my primary goal, Cherie was able to train Coley exactly as I had requested to a point where we made it all the way to Peru and through customs and immigration exceptionally well. We had to purchase a muzzle for the flight Captains Orders, wonder if he ever wore a muzzle. The flight was a long 5-6 hours and Coley slept most of the way as we had bulk head seating, and he was stretched out. All 5 and half foot of him between us and the bulkhead.

We removed the muzzle once off the ground. The crew in business class and some passenger immediately took a liking to him and were petting him as the flight came closer and closer to Lima Peru. Once arrived at Lima Jose Chavez airport the major test was about to start. Again, we had to place the muzzle around his mouth, CAPTAINS ORDERS and then deplaned through baggage controls and Peru’ version of the USDA for document checking and immigration for a dog. Once through that procedure we went to through immigrations and customs with no problem. Once outside the immigration control area we removed the muzzle and he was now in Lima, Peru, taking in the sights and overabundance of noise from trucks, motorcycles, cars, and bikes as well as people walking in the streets. All in all, he did just great and although I had benedryl ready and waiting for him to keep him calm he just seemed to take everything in stride and went through it all with no hiccups and no benedyrl.

This morning we took a walk to a local dog park which is quite different from the type we have here in the states, nestled in between medium high building and cars, buses, and everything mobile seem to be going through this park. Certainly, a far cry from what we know of in the states.

All I can say is our prayers were answered and many thanks to Cherie for the outstanding task she had undertaken to get Coley ready to go on a long overseas flight, certainly a first for him.

Thank you for all you have done for us in such a short amount of time and would welcome any questions from anybody wanting to discuss the training and value of the training received. I will always recommend Cherie Marquez for her training abilities and care she takes with training dogs. Her training is certainly different from other trainers and her love for animals and people are amazing!

All the best,

David and Coley



There are plenty of dogs that do not need the prong collar, but some are very dominant, whether small, medium, or large.  Think about it, if you are giving your dog leash corrections and they are not phased at all and they do not mind getting their neck yanked back more than a few times, then that is when they can use a prong collar to make them respond faster.

There are plenty of people and trainers that are totally against the prong collars.  They just see the collar and think that it is going to harm the dog.  IT IS NOT!  

There are proven facts that the choker collar has caused damage to the trachea because when the dog gets fixated on something then they will pull and choke themselves to try to get to the object even though it is hurting their throat.

Whereas, the prong collar reminds them of their mom because when there is one puppy extremely hyper and causing trouble, what the mom will do is grab the puppy the scruff of the next, with her teeth, pull them back either off the ground or off their front paws, give them a growl until they calm down, go limp, and submit, then she will put them down!

Anything that happens to them in between 4 – 9 weeks of their lives is ingrained into their minds.  They remember everything!

Once they have the prong collar on it is not tight and you can get your fingers underneath.  As soon as you give a snap, release leash correction, they feel the prong collar and it reminds them of their mom and they stop their bad behavior quicker than the regular collar or the choker collar.





Which Toys and Bones Are Safe For Dogs

Which Toys and Bones Are Safe For Dogs

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | Which Toys and Bones Are Safe For Dogs

Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats! The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

? thedogmystic.com | dogmysticacademy@gmail.com | 954-816-9070 ? Get Your FREE Course!!! Puppy Biting Solutions & More: https://dogmysticacademy.thinkific.com/courses/puppy-biting-solutions-and-more


Which toys or bones are safe for your dogs?

So there are many different kinds out there. One that is unsafe– don’t get it. Don’t even waste your money even though they’re everywhere. The rawhide bones are not good because they’re white and when they’re chewing on them, their spit makes them soft and slimy. And it doesn’t break into pieces and it can be a big piece. If they swallow it, it can get lodged in their throat and they can choke. Especially after so many years of your dog chewing on a rawhide bone, it’s not good for the digestive tract. It’s not good for their system whatsoever, okay?

For puppies, an empty marrowbone is fabulous because it’s safe. It’s great for chewing and it pacifies the dog when they’re in their confinement, okay? The great thing about the marrowbone is that you want to get an empty marrowbone. The ones that have the stuffing, okay, it’s great because they have different flavors on them. But you don’t know what’s in that stuffing, too. And what kind of chemicals are put in there and it’s not necessarily very nutritious for your dog. So an empty marrowbone, you know, exactly what’s going on. I like going in there so you can get peanut butter. You put the peanut butter in the middle of the bone so they can smell it and work to get it out.

There are different sizes. You have the small, you have the medium, and then you have a large, all depending on the size of the dog. Whatever size that you get, when the dog continues to chew on this, especially when they really, really love it.

When it gets down to let’s say, this size or like a little bit smaller, throw it away.

The only reason why is, within my experience, there have been dogs that have chewed it all the way down and the bone has actually got lodged in between their teeth, so.

And then they’re freaking out, you’re freaking out because you’re trying to get it out. So when it gets too small throw it out and get a new one, okay? So peanut butter is in the middle of the bone.

Then you have a con toy. The fabulous thing about the con toy is that you have the regular rubber ones, then you have the black ones which are supposed to be indestructible.

You know, some dogs can actually get through with no problem. But it has a small hole on the top and a bigger hole on the bottom. You put the peanut butter on the far top of the toy.

You don’t want to fill the whole entire thing up with peanut butter because then they can get diarrhea from eating too much peanut butter or it can just fill them up so much that they’re not going to eat their food. So, you put a little bit of peanut butter. They can smell it and then it works. They work to try and get it out and they’re using their chewing energy out on that instead of play biting everything or chewing on your furniture.

Then you have the antlers, okay? For young puppies, you don’t want to use the antlers because their teeth are too brittle. And the antlers are too hard. Once you get to like six months, six, seven months, most of their puppy teeth are gone especially the canine, and then they can chew as much as they want. These are indestructible.

I had a pit bull, when he was alive, he was able to break the marrowbones, and then he would swallow the marrowbones and then throw them back up. So luckily, I didn’t have to take them to the vet or have any internal problems. But with the antlers, they would last for the longest time. And he would get his chewing energy out on antlers. So these are fabulous. There are so many different sizes for little dogs. Even like a two-pound dog and little tiny antlers. They’re so cute.

So there are all different sizes and they have big ones, and small ones and everything so they can get their chewing energy out. 

One thing that you can do is choose one or two chewing toys as their special bones or special toys. Every single time that you put them in the crate then you’re giving them this special toy. And they know that they’re excited to go in the crate because they know they’re getting that. So if you’re using these two as you know, their everyday chewing toys and you can use the con toy

as their special treat every single time that you put them in their confinement, then you give them the con. So they, they can get their energy out. It is extremely important to give them something to keep them busy when they’re in the crate.

Thank you very much and I’ll see you soon.

Which Leashes Are Safe & Unsafe

Which Leashes Are Safe & Unsafe

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | Which Leashes Are Safe & Unsafe

Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats!

The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

? thedogmystic.com | dogmysticacademy@gmail.com | 954-816-9070

? Get Your FREE Course!!! Puppy Biting Solutions & More: https://dogmysticacademy.thinkific.com/courses/puppy-biting-solutions-and-more


There are so many selections of which leashes to choose from. Within this video, you will find out. 

So, right here is a retractable leash, okay? You don’t want to use a retractable leash especially for training your dog. This one, this fabric is not the rope kind but the one that has the really thin rope. It can get wrapped up around your legs, it gives you rope burn. If you’re using a retractable leash for a big dog then they can really do, do damage to your fingers. I have a scar on my pinky. The retractable leash wrapped around my pinky and left a scar. So, retractable leashes are not safe to be working with your dog.  It’s convenient, yes, for putting it on and letting the dog go out at night. Go pee, one last pee, and then come back in. But it’s just awkward. Isn’t like you know, you have this then you have the lock and you have to get a certain length and size and it’s just annoying and dangerous. So no retractable leash, okay? 

Then you have the regular slip collar.  So you have the slip collar here. If you’re doing it quick and easy, then you make a pee for the puppy and then put it around the head this way. Because once you do it this way, when you pull on the leash then it gets tight, and then it loosens up. This is really old, so it’s not showing you. But if you do a backward P, then when you give the correction then it stays tight. But this is not safe, especially with a dog that pulls way too much because all they’re doing is choking themselves. And they don’t care how much they’re choking themselves. So it’s not safe for the trachea. So this is just for like, last minute, flip it around, around the neck. Take him to go for a quick pee and then come back inside. So, I don’t recommend this. 

Then you have, you have this leash. This is four feet. A four-foot leash is okay, but a six-foot nylon leather rope leash is better for training only because you can give the dog more slack. So when they’re on a free walk, then if it’s only four feet then, when they’re in front of you and they’re on a free walk, they’re pulling you too much. So then your whole entire walk is kind of like, pulling back because they’re pulling you forward. This is okay for, puppies. The thickness of the rope is better than this one. See the difference here? 

The main thing with this rope even though it’s long, the rope is small. So when you have your thumb here and you’re holding on to the leash but then once the dog starts pulling, then you can get a rope burn from the leash because you don’t have enough grasp on it. So if you are going to get a rope leash, make sure it’s nice and thick.

So when the puppy is biting and biting and biting on the leash they’re not gonna go through the leash and it’s easy on the hands, okay? So instead of a four-foot then you want to get a longer one. A six-foot leash, okay. A little bit longer. This one is a little bit longer than your normal six-foot leash. 

But then for your biting puppies, which is really typical and when you’re keeping the dog on the leash inside of the house on a watch, then a chain link leash is the best because they can chew as much as they want. They’re getting the chewing energy out on the leash instead of chewing through a whole bunch of nylon leashes which will cost you money, especially if they’re biting through many. And within my years of training, I’ve seen many puppies or dogs go through bite through many leashes, chainlink leashes. But the only thing is when you’re walking your dog outside, switch it to nylon or the leather leash because it’s easier on the hand when you’re training with the dog outside. It hurts your hands after a while of walking and training and pulling in, you know, correcting your dog while walking or training outside. So a chainlink leash is fabulous for inside so the dog can bite as much, as much as they want. Okay? 

So I hope that helps and see you soon. Thank you.

How To Keep Your Dog Quiet

How To Keep Your Dog Quiet

Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats!

The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

? thedogmystic.com | dogmysticacademy@gmail.com | 954-816-9070

? Get Your FREE Course!!! Puppy Biting Solutions & More: https://dogmysticacademy.thinkific.com/courses/puppy-biting-solutions-and-more


When you’re working with the quiet command, there are different tools that you can do, okay? 

First, what you want to try is a shake can. So you empty it out with water just so it doesn’t get sticky. You put about 10 pennies inside. The noise reinforces the quiet command. You keep it behind your back, just so they don’t get used to it. 

And when they’re barking and barking, barking, you walk up to the crate and shake– quiet! Put it behind your back again.  If they continue, now, when you’re working with the quiet command, it’s trial and error. You’re not sure exactly how long it’s going to take to end– what’s gonna work or not. So just be patient. 

Even though you want the dog to stop barking, just be patient.

Patience is the key in training no matter what, okay?

So, you shake the can and you walk out and if they continue, then you come back in, shake it, ‘No.’ Use the ‘No’, ‘Quiet!’, and put it behind your back again.

If the shaking doesn’t work at all, then you can go to the pet corrector. The main thing with the pet corrector is that it’s just a shot of cold air. It’s not a computer duster, CO2 cartridge. It has a bigger nozzle so it’s louder. So, pet corrector and you do it the same way but you don’t spray him in the face, you just spray towards the butt so it doesn’t doesn’t affect the eyes. And you use it the same way. 

You can also get a spritzer bottle. I love these spritzer bottles from either Dollar Tree or from Home Depot and it has a high stream– and the cool thing about the ones from Home Depot is you can shoot that thing from 20 feet away and no problem and you know, it’s the same thing, ‘Quiet’, ‘No bite.’ I mean, like it’s just your tool. It’s your magic wand. Okay?

But most retrievers absolutely love the water. So when you’re spraying them, they’ll be like, ”Okay. I love it, it’s great.” So that might not work. 

If the pet corrector still doesn’t work, then you can get an air horn. A large blow horn from Walmart in the fishing section or any marine store that has the blow horn, air horns– they’re big, they’re loud. And when you blow them, blow them on top of your head because if it’s loud for us, it’s gonna be really loud for them and it saves your ear, so blow it up. You don’t even need to say quietly because it’s so loud, so.

You have different tools and different techniques to see what’s going to work and what’s not going to work. But it’s just practice that makes it perfect to see exactly what’s going to keep your dog quiet.

How to Get your dog used to walking on the leash and loving it

How To Get Your Dog Used To Walking On The Leash & Loving It!

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | How To Get Your Dog Used To Walking On The Leash & Loving It!

Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats!

The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

? thedogmystic.com | dogmysticacademy@gmail.com | 954-816-9070

? Get Your FREE Course!!! Puppy Biting Solutions & More: https://dogmysticacademy.thinkific.com/courses/puppy-biting-solutions-and-more


Is your dog just laying down and not wanting to walk?

Being stubborn and just looking at you, like, “Huh! Huh! I’m not walking.”

And you’re either dragging them around like they’re mop or you’re literally just like doing everything to get them up. So if that happens with your dog, get a squeaky toy, any squeaky toy, or any of their favorite toys that has a scream. It gets them excited to start to walk. So even if you have to start walking backward, that’s fine because you’re getting them excited and you want them to see the walk as a positive, okay?

So, watch. Prince, come.

Good boy.

Or another thing that you can do is if they’re walking toward the house like, “Oh, I don’t want

to go back inside.”, you use the leash just to get them excited.

Prince, come. Come on. Good boy.

Get the excitement in your voice. Come on. Good boy.

Now, another thing that you can do is put your thumb through the loop of the leash so you

have full control. Doesn’t matter if it’s your right thumb or if it’s your left thumb.

There are no commands whatsoever.  It’s just getting him used to the leash.

So wherever he’s going, it’s not a problem.

Prince, come. Come on. Good boy.

Get the toy in front of them. If you pause too much to the grass or to the driveways then, just give him a quick little pull back to the middle of your chest and just, ‘Nope’.

But at least, he’s walking and he’s not laying down like, “I’m not moving. I don’t want to walk anymore.”

So that will make you enjoy your walk with your dog and give them the exercise that they need.

See you later. Enjoy!

What is the Houde Command

What Is The House Command?

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | What Is The House Command

Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats!

The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

? thedogmystic.com | dogmysticacademy@gmail.com | 954-816-9070

? Get Your FREE Course!!! Puppy Biting Solutions & More: https://dogmysticacademy.thinkific.com/courses/puppy-biting-solutions-and-more


Within this video, we’re going to go through the House command.

A ‘House’ can be a crate or also can be a playpen. If you’re against confinements, everybody has their own preference. But if you’re against it and you have the dog in a bathroom or laundry room, then that’s their house. Wherever their confinement is, then you’re going to use the ‘House’ command, okay?

As soon as you start walking them to the house, then you keep on repeating, “House, house, house.” So you’re repeating the ‘House’ command. And even if they stop and they’re like, “No, I’m not going in.” Then you use the leash and you get them into the house, okay?

You don’t want to say ‘Stay’ because the main thing is, you just want to use the ‘House’ command. “House. House. House.” When they’re in there. If they come out of the house, one step out, then, “No. House.” Ok, so, watch.

Off. Prince. House. Come on. House.

So you use the leash here and you’re guiding him into the house.

House. House. House. No. No. House. House.

You can hold up your hand to show them ‘Stay’. But— no. You don’t want to say ‘Stay’.

No. House. House. No. House.

When you release him, just use the praise. You’re a good boy, yay!

You can say, ‘Calm.’ You can say like, you know the thing is, but it’s just the excitement in your voice. ‘Come. Come on. Yay!’

‘You get it!’ So it’s just the excitement.

So and he’s, he’s a newbie. He’s a baby and he’s never used.

He’s never learned the house command.

So the first time he’s learned ‘House’, so ‘House’ is good for any confinements.

See you soon. Thank you.

How Long Should I Work With My Dog

How Long Should I Work With My Dog

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | How Long Should I Work With My Dog?

Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats!

The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

? thedogmystic.com | dogmysticacademy@gmail.com | 954-816-9070

? Get Your FREE Course!!! Puppy Biting Solutions & More: https://dogmysticacademy.thinkific.com/courses/puppy-biting-solutions-and-more


Within this video, you are going to learn how long you should work with your dog. 

For puppies, their attention span is just like a child’s. So you don’t want to work with them for 10 minutes at a time.  You can work with them for 30 minutes a day, but you split it up into 10-minute sessions. 

After every single training session, then always end it with play. You want them to see the training as something fun instead of a chore. 

If you’re working with them for a longer period of time than 10 minutes, then they’re going to see 

the training as a chore and like a lot of chains. It’s almost like like homework for a child okay?

Now, if the dog is older than one year old, then you can work with them for 15 minutes. So two 15-minute sessions, you can work with him for longer than 30 minutes. But I mean, like you know, your average daily training is 30 minutes a day. So you split it up into two 15 minutes. If you’re working with your dog for 15 minutes, and you see after 11, 12 minutes that they’re done they’re like the focus is totally out, stop training with them and then pick it up at a different time, just so you’re ending it with play and you’re making them see the training is something fun. 

The beautiful thing about the training is its mental stimulation. It gets the dog even more tired than just running around the backyard or playing with a toy. 

If your dog is extremely hyper then one thing that you can do even if it’s inside, that’s perfectly fine. Just do five to 10 minutes of training with them so it calms them down. It gets them extremely tired because they’re using their mental energy. 

Practicing outside is extremely important because you can practice, do all the commands inside but outside, there are so many smells and distractions and noises and everything. 

So always practice outside as well as inside but more outside. 

Practice makes perfect and enjoy!

Please Be Patient & Wait At Least 8 Minutes For Your Puppy To Use The Bathroom!

Please Be Patient & Wait At Least 8 Minutes For Your Puppy To Use The Bathroom!

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | Be Patient & Wait At Least 8 Minutes For Your Puppy To Use The Bathroom!

Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats!

The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

? thedogmystic.com | dogmysticacademy@gmail.com | 954-816-9070

? Get Your FREE Course!!! Puppy Biting Solutions & More: https://dogmysticacademy.thinkific.com/courses/puppy-biting-solutions-and-more


Go pee-pees. Come on, go pee-pees. Good boy. 

Be nice and positive every time that they go pee.

Yeah good boy, go pee-pees. Good boy, go pee-pees.

He might have to poop because he’s going back and forth, possibly.

When you’re outside and the dog is going to the bathroom, stand in one spot and move the leash around so you’re not moving with the dog.

Good boy.

You don’t want to praise while he’s while they’re going to the bathroom because that might just like stop them from going.

Good boy, go puppy. Good boy. Good job, good job.

So huge. Pee and poop.


What Do I Do When My Puppy Has An Accident Inside

What Do I Do When My Puppy Has An Accident Inside?

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | What Do I Do When My Puppy Has An Accident Inside

Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats!

The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

? thedogmystic.com | dogmysticacademy@gmail.com | 954-816-9070

? Get Your FREE Course!!! Puppy Biting Solutions & More: https://dogmysticacademy.thinkific.com/courses/puppy-biting-solutions-and-more


Nope. Nope. Now, I’m not smashing his face into it. I’m just showing him that, no!

Even if he’s done and then it was just a little sprinkle you still bring him outside to

show him that he has to go outside. 

Nope. Come. Outside, outside. You go pee-pees outside.

Yep, yep. Leave it. Go pee-pees. Nope. Go pee-pees.

Come on, you’re a good boy. Nope, leave it.

If he’s just chewing on grass or on little pieces of wood or like little twigs, that’s okay.

If it’s rocks, then that’s where the ‘drop it’ or the ‘leave it’ command comes into play.

The main thing is just to pay attention. Keep your eye on the puppy to see what they’re putting in its mouth. So you know what they’re doing.

Come on, go pee-pees. Come on. Come on, you’re a good boy.

Now the thing with puppies is when they get totally distracted, you’re using the leash to kind of give him a little pop on the leash to get them back on track. And he might not have to pee because he peed a couple of times but that last little peepee was just a tiny little bit. A little puddle.

It’s all about patience.

Having the patience to see if he’ll go again. And if he doesn’t have to because it was just a tiny little bit then it’s okay, at least you’re out in the grass and giving him the chance to go.

So, I don’t think he has to go again.