What Do I Do When My Puppy Has An Accident Inside

What Do I Do When My Puppy Has An Accident Inside?

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | What Do I Do When My Puppy Has An Accident Inside

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Nope. Nope. Now, I’m not smashing his face into it. I’m just showing him that, no!

Even if he’s done and then it was just a little sprinkle you still bring him outside to

show him that he has to go outside. 

Nope. Come. Outside, outside. You go pee-pees outside.

Yep, yep. Leave it. Go pee-pees. Nope. Go pee-pees.

Come on, you’re a good boy. Nope, leave it.

If he’s just chewing on grass or on little pieces of wood or like little twigs, that’s okay.

If it’s rocks, then that’s where the ‘drop it’ or the ‘leave it’ command comes into play.

The main thing is just to pay attention. Keep your eye on the puppy to see what they’re putting in its mouth. So you know what they’re doing.

Come on, go pee-pees. Come on. Come on, you’re a good boy.

Now the thing with puppies is when they get totally distracted, you’re using the leash to kind of give him a little pop on the leash to get them back on track. And he might not have to pee because he peed a couple of times but that last little peepee was just a tiny little bit. A little puddle.

It’s all about patience.

Having the patience to see if he’ll go again. And if he doesn’t have to because it was just a tiny little bit then it’s okay, at least you’re out in the grass and giving him the chance to go.

So, I don’t think he has to go again.

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