
Allow The Dogs To Draw Us Into The Present Moment

The universe has surrounded us with the perfect teachers.

Animals are in the present all the time, and their secret power is to pull us in with them!

Allow the dogs to get your attention and get you out of your monkey mind. When they are trying to get you focused on them, stop if you are able to, put your phone down (FOR JUST 5 MINUTES), and sit on the floor or if they are allowed on the bed then sit down and start petting them and breathing with them, and allow them to calm your nervous system down. There have been studies that show that petting a dog will lower your blood pressure as well as the dogs.

Remember, dogs are pack animals and want your love and attention. They have a sixth sense so they know when you are not feeling well and sad or anxious. ALLOW them to draw your attention on them instead of what you are stressing about.

Enjoy the present moment and be grateful for what you have.


All Dogs Have A Sixth Sense!

As I was saying, the leash is your tool, a dog can sense exactly how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking because your energy goes from you through the leash and to the dog. 

Please be confident that your dog will do a certain command because if you are uncertain and don’t think that your dog will do it, THE DOG KNOWS, so in their minds they think, ” well if you don’t think I can do it, then why should I.”  A dog’s mind and a child’s mind are almost exactly the same, if they know they can get away with something they’re going to push it for everything that they can no matter what!

Dogs know whether a person is a good person or a bad person the second you open your front door.  They know if a person walking 10 – 20 feet away is dangerous and they start barking aggressively to warn them and you.

Although a human brain is ten times larger, the part that controls smell is 40 million times larger in dogs!  Wow!  A dog’s sense of smell is 100,000 times stronger than ours.

Even if a puppy is extremely hyper, they know when you are not feeling well and most of the time they will have the ability to calm their body down and lay next to you just to make you feel better.  



Hello everyone,  this is very important news that has been really bothering me lately and has been a very big problem this year especially while I have been training puppies.  Unfortunately, breeders are selling puppies way to young.  There is no reason why puppies should leave their mom and littermates less than 8 weeks old.  They learn so much from their mother and littermates.

Not only are they selling the puppies to young, they put them in a crate and on an airplane in cargo.  Their immune system is not strong.  This is causing major crate anxiety and plenty of fear from noises because it is so loud in cargo and unfortunately the people that get them out are probably not gentle getting the crates to where they need to be.  The puppies are filled with pee and feces.  

Here are your top 10 pet couriers in 2019 – and they’re all IPATA-approved =  Independent Pet and Animal Transportation Association .

Imagine being less than 2 months old and being totally traumatized like this.  It is not fair.  It is very difficult to fix crate anxiety and separation anxiety because they pee and defecate from the anxiety as soon as they are put in the crate.  Even if you switch to a playpen, which gives them more space, it has been causing major anxiety.  Granted, every dog is different, just like every person is different.  They can hurt themselves from trying to bite the cage or dig at the bottom.  

10 – 13 weeks is a perfect age to adopt a puppy.  I have trained plenty of puppies that are extremely fearful of noises and just the world around them.  They are shy and it is dangerous to walk them because they can slip out of their collars and go running in the street once they hear a loud truck, motorcycle, or garbage truck.  

Separation anxiety can lead to mass destruction and will only worsen with time.  The most important thing to start with is to choose a confinement for your dog.  It could be a crate, playpen, or certain small room in the house.  Do not see the confinement as a negative thing.  Dogs are like wolves and they see their den or confinement as their safe place.   Your dog will not have the opportunity to bite and destroy furniture. I have seen some horrible destruction of the home caused by one dog.

If you are a stay at home parent or you work from home, DO NOT have the dog with you at all times.  If you have the chance to leave the house for a little bit, even if it is for 15 minutes, please do, so your dog will get used to you leaving and coming home.  When you do leave and come home, do not make a big deal because it raises the dog’s anxiety.

A rescued dog with separation anxiety:

If you rescued a dog with separation anxiety, it will take some time and patience but the problem can be solved.  Please be patient!!!  First, put the crate in an area of the house where the dog can not see you leaving the house.  You might also want to get a plastic covered crate, so the dog does not hurt themselves trying to get out.  

You can set the dog up by putting the dog in the crate, put a deer antler or empty marrow bone with a little bit of peanut butter in the middle to try to get their attention focused on the bone instead of you leaving.  Every dog is different.  Go outside for 3 – 5 minutes then come back in and let him or her out of the crate.  DON’T say anything, just let the dog out, so they realize that they can be comfortable being in the crate.  Also, before you start getting ready to leave, put the dog in the crate, so they can not see you getting ready because that causes the anxiety as soon as you start your daily habit before leaving.  By the time you leave, their anxiety is very high.  That is why people think that the dogs are having an accident on purpose.  They can not hold it. It is like a person with a nervous stomach, who can not help but to throw up or they have to have a bowel movement.

Training will definitely help with separation anxiety:

Obedience training is so important for the peace in your household.  You gain the dominance of the dog and the dog gets more tired than just running around playing with toys because dog training takes mental stimulation.  The best part is that it does not take long on a daily basis.  Even if you work with the dog for 10 – 15 minutes before you leave, that will be perfect.  Take the dog out before you go and remember give them the bone in the crate and walk out without saying anything.

A tired dog is a happy dog!!!!!!


The Leash Is Your Tool As Well As Being Firm But Loving!

When the dog does not have the leash on then they are in control. They have to much freedom and think that they can chew on whatever or go to the bathroom throughout the whole house. 

If the dog cannot be trusted in the house without having an accident or chewing on something you need to keep them on a watch or confine.

When the dog is on a watch, you keep the dog on the leash inside the house, so the dog cannot sneak off to have an accident or destroy something.  You can put a belt on and put the loop of a 6 ft. nylon leash or a 4 ft. chain link leash, if they are biters, through the belt, so your hands are free.

You can also wrap the leash around the leg of the couch and put clasp through the loop then attach it to the collar.

When you cannot watch the dog then put the dog in their confinement even if it is just for a short time for you to go to the bathroom because that is when they take advantage and get in trouble.

This may sound strange but if you have a large puppy that is extremely strong, clumsy, and doesn’t know their own strength then please keep the leash on them inside the house even if they’re housebroken.

If you open up the crate door and they literally knock you down because they’re so excited to get out and then they grab everything that they’re not supposed to, then they are just pushing their limits and getting away with way too much.

You can get really hurt if they are hyper and in their puppy Zoomies and banging to you knock you down and hurt your body.

Best thing to do is put the leash on before they get out of the crate.


How Dogs Learn

How Dogs Learn:

Dogs are creatures of habit.  They learn through repetition and consistency, (doing it the same way every time).  Dogs are social animals and they see you as their pack or family. They do not want to be excluded from everything that is going on with the family.  A properly trained dog can be communicated with just as a human family member. It takes practice and repetition.

When training your dog always remember that dogs don’t learn sentences.  They learn one word commands by tone inflections.  We speak to them like they understand and they are attentive and giving you a lending ear at anytime but they do not understand every word.  They are fully capable of learning thousands of one or two word commands.  

Gaining The Dominance  Of Your Puppy/Adult Dog: 

Training your dog is very important due to the fact that you are gaining dominance of your dog right from the start and you are able to stop any problems before they get worse.  Training takes mental stimulation, which gets the dog more tired than running around and playing with certain toys. The best part is that training does not take long on a daily basis.  Just 30 minutes everyday, split up into 2- 15 minutes or 3-10 minutes is perfect. After each session play with your dog, so they see it as something fun instead of a chore.

A dog is part of Mother Nature, which means he or she is naturally wired to expect order in his life, to expect that he must work for food and water and have structure in their life.  If you as the owner do not show the dog that you are the pack leader than they will try their best to show you that they are more dominant, which means that everyone in the household needs to work with the dog.  If not, you will notice that the dog will only respect the person that spends the most quality time with him/her or the most training time.

Dog Have a Sixth Sense:

Dogs learn from tone inflections and they all have a sixth sense, which means they are able to pick up on negative energy much quicker than we can.  If a bad person walks in your door, your dog will sense that and different behavior will arise right away. Automatically, they will protect you, no matter what.  Even if you think that your dog is the biggest lover, they are very loyal and will do whatever it takes to protect their owners.  

When training your dog you must remember to always be confident:  whatever you are thinking or feeling, goes from you through the leash and to the dog, so if you do not think your dog will do a command then the dog will fight you and not do it until you make them do it.  BE PATIENT AND DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!  If you give up just one time, the dog does not know minutes but they know a time frame, so they will just wait a little bit longer until you give up and then they do not have to complete the command.  Don’t let your dog win. If you give up, it’ll be the story of the dog training the human, it happens!