Please Be Patient & Wait At Least 8 Minutes For Your Puppy To Use The Bathroom!

Please Be Patient & Wait At Least 8 Minutes For Your Puppy To Use The Bathroom!

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | Be Patient & Wait At Least 8 Minutes For Your Puppy To Use The Bathroom!

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The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

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Go pee-pees. Come on, go pee-pees. Good boy. 

Be nice and positive every time that they go pee.

Yeah good boy, go pee-pees. Good boy, go pee-pees.

He might have to poop because he’s going back and forth, possibly.

When you’re outside and the dog is going to the bathroom, stand in one spot and move the leash around so you’re not moving with the dog.

Good boy.

You don’t want to praise while he’s while they’re going to the bathroom because that might just like stop them from going.

Good boy, go puppy. Good boy. Good job, good job.

So huge. Pee and poop.
