How To Teach Your Dog To DROP IT & LEAVE IT

How To Teach Your Dog To DROP IT & LEAVE IT


Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats!

The Dog Mystic, Cherie A. Marquez, Will Teach You How To Keep Your Dogs In Their Forever Home!

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Within this video, you’re gonna learn how to teach the dog, “drop it” and “leave it.”

Okay, so he’s pulling on the leash now, you don’t want to pull.

You don’t want to pull on the leash because if you pull, then he’s going to start pulling even more because it’s like a tug of war, okay?

So you get down to his level and maybe not. So from here, you put your elbows into your ribs so you’re not pulling and all you’re doing is repeating, “Drop it, drop it, drop it.”  Once they know the drop command, then you can say NO in between. But he doesn’t know “Drop it” yet, so from here, “Drop it.”

“Leave it.” So, “Drop it” and “Leave it” as soon as he drops it, Nope. Leave it. Nope. Drop it. Leave it. Nope. Leave it. Nope, leave it. So let’s ‘drop it’ out of the mouth. ‘Leave it’ alone.

If he really had something in his mouth that he’s not supposed to have – Drop it. Leave it. Nope, leave it. Leave it. Good boy.

If he has something in his mouth that he’s really not supposed to have, that’s when you pull your elbows into your chest and hold on to it. Drop it, drop it, drop it. As soon as he drops it out of his mouth or her mouth. Leave it, leave it alone.

So you’re practicing that until they understand ‘Drop it’ to the point where they actually like, spit it out of their mouth. Okay, so ‘Drop it.’

And then once they know the command and they’re understanding it, that’s when you can get

the ‘No’ in there. Drop it. No. Drop it. No. Drop it. Once they drop it, leave it.

And then if they go after the item again, then “No, leave it.”

Suddenly they back away, so drop it and leave it.

It’s extremely important, especially when you’re walking on the street and they’re stuck all over the place. So, it’s great.

Thank you very much.

See you soon.

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