How To Get Your Dog Used To Wearing a Collar and Leash

How To Get Your Dog Used To Wearing a Collar and Leash

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES | How To Get Your Dog Used To Wearing a Collar and Leash

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So when you get a new puppy or you get a dog that is not used to wearing a collar or a leash, the easiest way to get your dog or the puppy is you clip the leash to the collar and allow the dog to just walk around with the collar dragging behind them.

They may get frightened by it at first because it’s like, “What is this following me?”. But if you allow the dog to walk around with the leash dragging behind them for about a day to a day and a half, then you pick up the leash and you start walking and just get excited and get them excited so they don’t see the leashes as a negative.

It’s extremely important that they see the leashes as a good thing. You want them to absolutely love the walk. So as soon as they see the leash, it’s like, “Yes, we’re going for a walk. Oh my gosh, I can’t wait.” 

So allow them to drive the leash behind them for a day to a day and a half picking it up. You can get a squeaky toy and get them all excited to start walking. So the leash is your tool again. And it’s a positive. Nothing but positive with the leashes. So I’ll see you soon. Bye.

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